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) arquivo: H | albertpaginasviruses, _plasmids. 938 liq 45. FAO, Procedimentos da Reunião Técnica sobre Metodologia do Sistema Mundial de Informação e Alerta sobre Recursos Fitogenéticos da FAO, 2123 de junho de 1999, Instituto de Pesquisa de Produção de Cultivos, Praga, República Tcheca.
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Os extratos de miltiorhiza demonstraram modular a ação de alguns neuropeptídeos, embora estudos sobre esse assunto sejam relativamente limitados e as atividades farmacológicas relatadas geralmente fornecem explicações teóricas para sua relevância clínica em distúrbios do SNC. O local de ligação do substrato peptídico está localizado no lobo C-terminal das proteínas quinases.
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Processamento da linguagem em um contexto social. Eles oferecem uma maneira diferente de investir e gerenciar riscos que atraem alguns comerciantes. Alguns tumores, particularmente tumores de células de ilhotas pancreáticas raramente (5 por cento) associados à síndrome de Cushing, podem, além de ACTH, também secretar uma série de outros hormônios, incluindo insulina, gastrina e glucagon (ver Capítulo 12).
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Wiley Sons New York (1960). Elaborar alguns argumentos que poderiam ser feitos para cada lado do debate. Lateral. 1882. Hobbes defendeu sua visão biblicamente e desafiou Cambridge Collections Online © Cambridge University Press, T.
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Djerassi D (2001) O papel das vitaminas em cosméticos de alto desempenho. EXEMPLO 4 Usando diferentes ordens de integração Cada uma das seguintes integrais dá o volume do sólido mostrado na Figura 15. Algumas das discussões neste capítulo são técnicas e não serão usadas no resto do livro.
Wildi e Michael B. Não foi até 1948 que a Ogston popularizou o conceito de que, por ligação com substratos em três pontos, as enzimas eram capazes de ataque assimétrico sobre substratos simétricos.
Consiste em cinco camadas: Epitélio, membrana de Bowmans, Stroma, membrana Descemets. Muitos deles estão se comportando de forma bastante moral, fornecendo os enterros e pagando seu respeito durante o dia, e mostram os mortos. Baroncini, C. O tecido areolar é dividido usando o dissecador de gancho ou cisalhas harônicas com dois agrafamentos angulados.
1997; 52 (2): M117M125. A folha é verde ou amarelada ou verde-amarelada. Uso sujeito aos termos e condições da licença. Além disso, em estudos de populações da Finlândia (n 193; TPQ) (Malhotra et al., 9432 r 1,2,3-Indanetriona mono-hidratada. Uma incisão é feita para expor o crânio craniano e um furo feito com uma agulha de calibre 21 escolhida Coordenadas estereotáxicas. Veja também Satélites, ônibus espaciais Apollo 11, 1100, 11181119 Apollo 13, 412 Galileo, 389 e giroscópios, 351 Mariner 10, 1077 e propulsão, 277280 Voyager, 412 Voyager 2, 351 Interferência espacial, 564 Relatividade especial.
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A ligação carbono-hidrogênio é sempre uma ligação simples. Durante meados da década de 1960, Roland Oliver observou que os palestrantes deveriam ter expandido o dia de hoje para viver rapidamente, de modo a ter conseguido uma dispersão geográfica tão ampla, além de um pequeno grau de divergência linguística (Oliver, 1966: 362). As opções expiram automaticamente, e seu retorno sobre o investimento é pago em sua conta.
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000 131. Resultados melhorados e custos reduzidos. 4 Tomografia Óptica Difusa. Essas estratégias funcionam de maneiras diferentes, mas tentam alcançar o mesmo resultado. et al. 07238 1. O pacote de estudos de farmacologia de segurança englobará a avaliação dos efeitos do medicamento sobre os principais sistemas de órgãos nos SISTEMAS ENZYME © 2005 by Taylor Francis Group, LLC 356 ENZIMAS QUE METABOLISE DROGAS E OUTROS XENOBIOTICOS mais tarde foi encontrado que AST IV, purificado a partir de fígado de rato masculino, compreendeu dois códigos de cupom exclusivos daytradingforex® com maior probabilidade rSULT1A1 e rSULT1C1, veja abaixo) e o heterodímero correspondente e que essas enzimas diferem no seu substrato especifico Kiehlbauch et al.
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Day Trading Forex Live Review.
Use: Forex day trading system.
This trading system is consistently profitable. I'm using it in my own live account.
This system is very affordable, especially when you consider all of the features and support.
The system itself is not very difficult to learn, but it can be time consuming to trade.
Sterling offers the best support that I've seen in the Forex education industry thus far.
DTFL is a profitable trading system The members area is very helpful for verifying good trading setups on a daily basis The Daily Market Review provides great feedback for learning and trading the system correctly The Live Trading Room is a great place to learn and receive support in real-time.
What I Don't Like.
Trading on the 15 Minute charts, as we do in DTFL, can be time consuming There can be few trade setups if you only trade the Euro and the Pound.
Summary: With a membership to Day Trading Forex Live you'll learn a profitable smart money trading system, which is most likely different than anything else you've traded thus far. This is, by far, my favorite trading system right now. I've tested it for over 8 months and started trading my live account using Sterling's techniques a few months back.
Day Trading Forex Live has been consistently profitable for me through my testing and live account trading, which is why I put this Day Trading Forex Live review together. Keep reading to learn more about this unique trading system.
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My Day Trading Forex Live Review.
Have you ever felt like, even if you know you're trading a profitable system, you still end up taking all of the losing trades and missing the winning trades? I know that feeling . . . Murphy's law at its best.
I prefer to swing trade, and the Infinite Prosperity system works well for that. I also use the Top Dog Trading system to day trade, which helps to bring up my monthly profits.
The problem is that the Top Dog Trading system can be very time-consuming, if you're using it to daytrade like I was. I hate to sit in front of my desk and trade. I'm always doing something.
Because of my increasing desire to spend less time in front of my computer screen, I started missing a lot of good trades. I had no problem taking the losers, though. Those little misses started to add up, and I was seeing less than stellar returns.
I didn't want to go back to gluing my eyes to my monitor, and at the same time, I had tossed around the idea of testing another trading system for this site. If ever there was a reason to start testing a new system, this was it. So early last year, I went looking for a new trading system.
Looking for a New Trading System.
My first attempt at finding a new trading system was the Forex Gemini Code, which turned out to be a total waste of time and money. I felt pretty stupid buying it, especially considering the cost ($997).
I also made a rookie mistake . . . I started live trading too soon , after some promising initial testing, and wasted some more money! Lesson learned.
Then, I found Day Trading Forex Live .
I really just stumbled upon the site. I was researching day trading systems on Youtube one afternoon. While watching a video about smart money trading by Martin Cole, I noticed a comment mentioning Sterling's DTFL site. I usually don't follow links like that, but I'm glad I decided to that day.
I've been testing and trading Sterling Suhr's advanced Forex bank trading course for over 8 months now. It's been consistently profitable for me during my testing and live account trading through varying market conditions.
I'm excited to tell you about Day Trading Forex Live, because not only is it a profitable trading system, but Sterling is also offering the absolute best ongoing Forex education and support that I have come across.
To be fair, Day Trading Forex Live isn't perfect. In this Day Trading Forex Live review , I'm going to show you why I'm trading this system and how it's different from anything else you've ever tried. I'm also going to tell you about why I think Sterling's system isn't perfect from my perspective. Your experience may differ.
Who Is Day Trading Forex Live For?
DTFL Is Perfect For You If:
You want to know what really moves the market, and how to profit from it You're interested in getting an advanced, ongoing Forex education You could benefit from the real-time support of a live trading room You want to join a helpful community of successful traders.
DTFL Is Not For You If:
You're still searching for that "holy-grail" trading system that is just out of your reach You're looking for a set-and-forget trading system, like a swing trading system, or a robot (EA)*. You don't have the patience to wait for good trading setups.
*Sterling does offer DTFL Pro, which is an EA that is able to semi-automate his trading system (more on this later).
If you're looking for a set-and-forget swing trading system, and you don't mind lower returns, I would recommend Infinite Prosperity.
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What Is Day Trading Forex Live?
On the surface, Day Trading Forex Live looks like your typical day trading course and trading system. DTFL is a manually traded, technical, high reward-rate (HRR) trading system. The trading system is taught by video, instead of a PDF or webpage.
Descrição do Curso.
8 Trading course videos 5 Course add-on videos 8 More bonus videos Live Training Room Archived live videos Daily Market Review Member forum Live member chat MT4 indicators Lifetime email support.
How Is Day Trading Forex Live Different?
Day Trading Forex Live is different from other trading courses that I have taken for four main reasons:
1. The trading system.
2. The Daily Market Review.
3. The live members chat (shoutbox)
4. The Live Training Room
O Sistema de Negociação.
Sterling's Day Trading Forex Live trading system is different than anything I have ever traded before because the method is based on what is happening behind the patterns that appear on your chart - not the technical pattern themselves.
How will this help you? Have you ever felt like your participation in the market is part of someone else's money making business? Like no matter what strategy you use, the market seems to just be against you. Bem . . . you're right!
Sterling's system will teach you how to trade with the smart money . . . the guys that actually move the market. You'll learn how to stop being the victim of stop runs, and how to start making money when the market makers do this to other traders.
Although sterling's system does use a certain price action rule set, that he calls the "confirmation entry," to enter trades, his method is not actually based on price action. It's based on the stuff going on behind the scenes to create certain patterns . . . patterns that the market makers use to lure average retail traders into buying or selling.
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The Daily Market Review.
The Daily Market Review (DMR) is a great training resource. Each night Sterling talks about the trades that occurred the day before (if applicable) on the Euro and the Pound, and he answers commons questions related to any unusual trading conditions that we experienced.
This is an amazing tool for learning his trading system, because you get daily feedback on whether or not you are taking the right trades.
In the past, I was involved in a stock trading that met weekly to discuss trades in a webinar, but the daily feedback from the Daily Market Review is head-and-shoulders (no pun intended) above anything else that I've experienced in terms of learning to trade the trading system the way it's intended.
In the DMR, Sterling also pre-selects the levels that we will be trading the Euro and Pound from the following day.
When I first signed up, I thought that only getting trading levels for the Euro and Pound would be limiting. However, like Sterling, I only trade the Euro and Pound using his method, and it still provides plenty of trading setups and monthly profits.
The majority of other traders in the members area trade others pairs as well and get many more trading opportunities as well. Sterling's system works on any pair, but I suggest that you stick with the Euro and Pound until you get the hang of the trading system and can choose your own high-quality trading levels based on Sterling's rule set.
The Live Members Chat.
The live members chat (or shoutbox) is another tool that I use on a daily basis. When you join DTFL, you're joining a community of traders who are all trading the DTFL method. Many of these traders are successful and have years of trading experience that you can benefit from.
Since we're all trading the DTFL method, there isn't typically a bunch of confusing chatter going on, leading to conflicting ideas. Just a group of helpful, experienced traders waiting patiently for qualified trading setups, and standing by to help you when you need it.
I'll give you an example of how this feature helped me when I first joined DTFL. After, going through the course material and the add-on videos, I decided I was ready to start testing the DTFL trading system.
However, I didn't quite understand the "confirmation entry" as well as I thought I did. I called out a trade in the shoutbox. My message was quickly met with, "No . . . that's not right," "There's no setup on the Euro right now," and "We're still waiting for confirmation."
It seemed a little bit embarrassing at the time, but I learned what I needed to know about the "confirmation entry" that day. One of the members (sorry I don't remember who) even sent me a link to a recent video where Sterling talked about the "confirmation entry" in detail.
You can see how useful a focused group of traders, like the members of DTFL, could be to you as you're learning the system. In fact, I always check the shoutbox when any trade is setting up. It's invaluable to this system.
The Live Training Room.
The last feature that I want to mention in this Day Trading Forex Live review, but certainly not the least, is the Live Training Room. Members of DTFL can join Sterling's live trading room twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) during the New York session.
This is a great time to ask Sterling questions that may require a longer, or more in-depth, explanation. Sometimes it's just harder to get your point across in an email, which is why the live trading room is so useful.
At the same time, you also have the opportunity to ask follow-up questions in real-time . . . meaning you won't have to wait for hours or days to get your question answered to your full satisfaction.
If a trade setup occurs on the Euro or Pound during the live trading room, Sterling will take the trade with us. Even when no setup is occurring, you can always ask Sterling for advice on levels that you are looking at on the other pairs that you trade (if you decide to trade other pairs).
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What Are Students Saying About DTFL?
In this Day Trading Forex Live review, I've talked about what I like about DTFL, how it's been different than other courses that I've tried, and the success that I've had testing and trading the system in my live account.
Now that you know what I think about the trading system and course, take a look at what some of Sterling's other students are saying:
Do You Need Day Trading Forex Live?
Day Trading Forex Live is not the only profitable trading system that I have used, and it's not going to be for every trader. No trading system is. It all depends on what you want to get out of a trading system, and what your trading preferences are.
Below are the Pros and Cons of using this system from my perspective:
The trading system is profitable. I have to stress that, because most of the trading courses and systems out there are crap. The Daily Market Review reinforces the trading system. This is so useful to this system, especially in the beginning. Daily pre-selected levels will help you trade this system profitably. The live members chat is a daily lifesaver. The community chat at DTFL is helpful when you're learning, and I still check the shoutbox before taking any trades. The Live Training Room is great for asking questions. Getting real-time support from Sterling on upcoming or past trades is invaluable. You'll get up to speed fast by attending the live trading room.
It can be time consuming to trade. Trading on the 15 Minute time frame, like we do in DTFL, can be time consuming. However, the simplicity and nature of this particular method make it less time consuming than other day trading systems that I have used. Not as many trade setups as other systems. Experienced traders go for quality over quantity. That being said, DTFL can provide few setups, at certain times, if you're only trading the Euro and Pound like I do.
If you're looking for strategies that provide lots of time freedom, you're better off choosing a swing trading system, like Infinite Prosperity. I trade this system in less than 20 minutes per day. However, the returns are not as good as the day trading systems that I recommend.
Note: Sterling offers DTFL Pro for $59/month (plus a one-time setup fee). DTFL Pro is an EA that allows you to automate Sterling's trading system. You select the levels to trade from, and the EA executes and manages your trades while you're away. Many DTFL members use this software to trade the system while they're at work or asleep. I have not used it myself. I only mention it as an option to trade this system with a restrictive schedule or to simply provide more time freedom.
If you're looking for a system that provides lots of trading setups (2 per day or more), you're better off with something like Top Dog Trading. Top Dog Trading provides lots of setups through strategies involving anything from scalping to swing trading. Keep in mind that such a trading system requires a far greater time commitment to trade profitably.
If you're interest in trading a profitable day trading system that is most likely different than anything else you've tried, and you want to trade it with a community of helpful and focused traders in a live environment, then Day Trading Forex Live is exactly what you've been looking for.
Summary: In my opinion, Day Trading Forex Live is the best Forex day trading system on the market. The support and daily feedback are second to none. The live environment and helpful community make learning and correctly trading this system easier than other systems that I've traded in the past.
I've been testing this system for over 8 months now, and it has been consistently profitable for me during my demo and live account trading. I'm "chris" at DTFL. Junte-se a nós!
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45 Comentários.
what gains have you made with dtfl percentage wise?
Thanks for the question, Ojay. I make between 3% and 6% per month on average with a couple of losing months each year. So far, the worst was February of 2016, where I was down about 3% at the end of the month.
That’s risking 1% per trade. Many of the other members risk 2% per trade. Sterling mentioned that he makes around 7% per month, risking 1% per trade. That was a while back. I’m not sure if he’s still doing that well or not.
If you’re talking about yearly gains, most of the experienced members of DTFL are making between 30% and 60% per year.
Keep in mind that I’m only trading the Euro and Pound with DTFL. Most of the other members are trading several other pairs. They have months where they make more than I do, and they also have months where they lose more than I do.
Do you have skype or something where I can contact you privately?
Obrigado pela revisão. Sounds interesting. Does this system use any indicators? I never see an edge in using them.
Also what is the ideal session to trade it? London or US?
Thanks for the comment, Dave. You don’t have to use any indicators. There is an indicator, similar to iSessions, that you can use (if you use MT4) to visually display the important trading sessions on your chart. This can be pretty useful – especially for backtesting. There’s also an average daily range (ADR) indicator, similar to this one. The ADR is essential to the system… for analyzing trades, but you don’t have to use that specific indicator to get the ADR (in case you don’t use MT4). Any 14-day ADR will work.
No indicators are used for the actual trade setups.
As for the best session to trade this system in, Sterling says that it’s easier to make money in the London session. However, he trades the NY session as most American traders will. I tried the London session when I first started. Now I trade the NY session. I’ve made money in both sessions. I would just trade the session that’s more compatible with your schedule.
Thank you for the quick reply.
Few more questions before deciding.
1. From your personal experience, are you able to trade this method independently without relying on any support from the trainer or fellow students? How long will it take before you are independent?
2. What is the average number of setups per day or month?
3. When you measure your own average profitability of about 3 – 6% per month, do you use only the US session that you actually trade in? From the Youtube videos, I am unsure if Sterling calculates his returns based on actual trades he made during the US session or all available trades for both sessions.
4. From your experience, does this method require you to take all (or most) trades in order to maintain the edge? Some methods are so finely balanced that you need to take all or most trades to get the edge while others offer more leeway.
Thank you once again,
Great questions, Dave!
1. It doesn’t take long to trade this system independently. You may still find it useful to take advantage of the community and/or the live trading sessions and market reviews/previews. Sterling has been trading for more than 17 years. He has more wisdom to offer other than the rules of his system.
2. Based on my experience trading this system in the NY session, I would say that you can expect between 10 and 15 trades per month if you only trade the Euro and Pound. If it’s very slow, you might get less. During a hot period, you might get more. Obviously, trading more pairs will give you more setups. The low(ish) number of trading opportunities is a direct result of filtering out bad trades and only taking the best setups.
3. My profitability numbers are based on trading the Euro and Pound during the NY session only.
4. Yes, you need to take every trade – especially considering the number of trading opportunities. Every mechanical system is like that. If you commit to taking setups on the 15-minute chart during the NY session, you need to take every setup. In order to really let your edge work out over time, you have to be consistent. Anything else is gambling.
I hope that answers your questions. Boa sorte!
Thank you for the detailed reply. Will probably order this over the weekend.
Obrigado novamente,
No problem, Dave. Estou feliz por poder ajudar.
That was quiet an explaination of the system. You talked about the average gain in terms of percentage can you please elaborate it a little more in terms of pips gained an risked per trade and per month?
We risk 20 to 25 pips to make 40 to 50 pips respectively – depending on the situation. The risk and reward on some pairs (that I don’t trade) are a little different.
As far as gains are concerned, talking about profitability in terms of pips is pointless. For instance, a swing trading system will give you more pips because trading moves on the daily chart means you risk more pips and target more as well. However, you should still be risking the same low amount of money per trade (2% or less).
Hello now is july first isit still possible to get the discounted price? Are you able to teach through webinar?
Hello, Aldrich. It looks like Sterling still hasn’t changed the price, so you’re good if you act fast. He’ll probably change it later today or tomorrow. Sometimes he just gets busy and forgets.
To be honest, Chris I personally think you are just a affiliate marketer lol you are a IP student you guys will sell your soul to make money.
Please show a track record of you making profit from DTFL, I took the course because of your highly words however, Sterling entry technique is mechanical correct. But this guy does not go into any details on how he finds the levels to trade. Finding the stop hunt level is not mechanical Jesus u Internet markets would sell ur ass if you could. you probbly won’t allow this but who cares. at-least you can read it and know deep down what you are doing.
Here’s a little dose of reality for you, Jamie: Nearly everyone that runs a website is trying to make money from it in some way or another. A lot of time, effort, and money goes into owning and operating a successful website. My time, especially, is valuable. I wouldn’t spend so much of it on this site if I wasn’t getting something in return.
There are many ways to monetize a website. Some webmasters sell advertising space, some sell their own products (which I’m planning to do in the near future), and others recommend products that they’ve tried and like (if they’re honest). I’ve chosen to recommend products that I use or have used thus far because I have maximum control over what I refer my readers to.
I started this website in 2011 because I had started to finally make some consistent profits in the Forex market using the Top Dog Trading system. I knew others would be interested in that system since most traders are not profitable. I figured recommending something that I used and believed in would be a win-win. I would be helping other traders find a profitable system and speeding up the growth of my trading account in the process.
I still recommend TDT to certain traders (depending on when their schedule allows them to trade), but I have put my full weight behind Day Trading Forex Live the last couple of years because the system is more profitable, easier to trade, and Sterling offers daily ongoing education.
If it was all about money, I’d still be recommending Top Dog Trading. Barry pays nearly double what Sterling pays. Infinite Prosperity (which I proved is profitable, BTW) pays more for referrals as well. For that matter, I could make a lot more referring people to other systems. However, these are the systems that I’ve tried.
Sterling most definitely does go into details about how he chooses levels. The fact that you said that makes me think you haven’t gone through the materials, attended any live trading, watched any daily market previews/reviews, or asked any questions. His system for choosing levels is, in fact, mostly a mechanical process. If you would learn the system, you would be able to choose your own levels on any currency within a short period of time. Most of his students do exactly that.
If you’re so unhappy with Sterling’s system and teaching, get a refund. Believe me when I say that I sleep very well at night, because for every one of you who blame everyone else for your trading failures, I get ten or more people thanking me on this site and Facebook for introducing them to Sterling or helping to improve their trading in some other way.
Chris, I found your site sometime ago, read through and asked you two questions about DTFL which you answered well. Unfortunately, I couldn’t locate your site again as I had challenges. Just today I’m able to search and successfully reach your site. I must commend you because you made me join DTFL. I’m just few days old. It can be overwhelming at the start especially when you’re trying to understand the terminology of a group or community. One very positive thing I’ve seen is that it’s a lifetime on-going training course with criteria that are adapted as market conditions keep changing. Another advantage is that two days in a week it’s done from a Live Chart and trades are taken in Live Market during this, while you’re guided by a Daily Market Review based on previous day’s market . There are criteria for levels which a student needs to learn and this is possible in few days, in fact for an already experienced trader they already know how to get them. I’m not Affiliate but I’m believing the system will be profitable. As Ster says if trading is not boring to you then you might not be trading right: those two default pairs may not have setups for days or weeks. O que você faz? Move to other pairs and apply your knowledge of DTFL. Thanks Chris, you’re a good man. I just felt I should support you on this answer to Jammie. How do I link up with my DTFL Senior Member(you) personally?: I need it. Facebook? What’s the link?
Thanks for the kind words, Zat. Most other members do trade other pairs, so they get more trades and rarely have a slow month. I just stick to the Euro and Pound. If you are going to trade other pairs, I would just advise you to trade them consistently. In order for the edge the system provides you to work out, you need to take all qualifying trades on your selected pairs. In other words, I wouldn’t advise trading extra pairs during certain times (like when you’re not getting enough trades from the two default pairs) and not others. Just be consistent. You can contact me via my Facebook page if you need to: facebook/FXDayJob.
DTFL is going with the smart money setups, why on earth is your blog going on about harmonic and candle stick patterns.
Simple, Jamie. There are many ways to make money in the Forex market. Trading stop runs, as we do in DTFL, is just one way.
Todos los materiales de instrucción y el comercio en vivo están en inglés.
1. With the DTFL, what can be said to be the recommended minimum starting bank? $200, $500, $1000 ? etc ? With your experience what would you recommend for starting small? 2. Can one hit the ground running with the DTFL or must take say a month or so of training before commencing live trading? I mean for those already trading, is the course easily learned (assimilated> that you can even start trading it live in few days? I’m curious because I’ve been preparing to join DTFL after watching some of its public videos. I may not necessarily be rushing but I believe some should be in a position to move faster or is it time consuming to learn the strategy?
Everyone has to start somewhere. Just keep in mind that opening a brokerage account with a deposit of less than $3,000 (preferably $4,000) will likely get you added to the B book. That means your broker will trade against you and hunt your stops because they expect you to lose anyway. After all, if you were a successful trader, why would you open a trading account with such a small amount of money? The good news is that DTFL is a smart money trading system, meaning it isn’t as susceptible to broker shenanigans as other systems may be.
The system itself is easy enough to learn, but I don’t recommend trading live until you get plenty of demo experience. Even then, you should start by risking as little as possible. You do this to prove to yourself that the system works. You’ll need that confidence in the system during periods of drawdown. You need to have the fortitude to keep trading the system, even through periods where it’s not getting much traction, in order to let the edge that the system creates play itself out over a large sampling of trades.
If DTFL is your first trading system, you’re very lucky. Most of us had to try a lot of bad systems before we found DTFL. Just ask plenty of questions. Make sure you’re trading it correctly and listen to Sterling. Boa sorte!
Chris, sure what you’ve written is a great reply to me. You’ve given me an insight on what DTFL would likely be giving me when I join. 1. I also love that bit on Brokers grading one into the B group. Sometime you need to start small before being comfortable with a strategy. I’ve observed what said on the Brokers, starting at $1000, $2000 was not quite comfortable as with $10,000. I could see some tricks with smaller amounts more so you’re forced to take micro lots because of the small account size thereby trading against a Dealing Desk, market maker. 2.You know I have been confused as whether to go for Trader Dale’s (TD’s) course or DTFL because the two strategies appear close, more so Sterling introduced him that they’re working together on the TD’s while he’s still with Chad at DTFL. Have you ever had an opportunity to assess TD’s strategy or talk to some who’re using it right now. I know for sure DTFL is a one-off lifetime payment while TD’s is a subscription based course. I’ll love to make a decision on my choice within few days. I’m attracted to the two as Sterling is also involved in TD’s though may be not too deeply as with DTFL. Can I hear from you very soon?
Estou feliz por poder ajudá-lo. I haven’t had the chance to test Trader Dale’s course. I can only speak for DTFL personally. Maybe I will get a chance to test TD’s course in the future. Right now, I’m working on other things.
Hello sir, i am interesting in DTFL. Is this robot ? it can trade automatic? which broker does it support? how much i do pay per month for this EA? Because i do not know DTFL how to trade ? i can use it for small acount less than 1.000$ if it is ok i wil make account bigger.
Olá. DTFL is not a robot. There is an EA that you can use to trade the initial levels automatically if you choose to, but it doesn’t work on any secondary levels that may form unless you are there to readjust the EA to the newly formed levels. The DTFL system will work with any broker and any size account.
Thank you for your review of Day Trading Forex Live. I do have a couple of questions regarding the course. More specifically, I am interested in this and Top Dog Trading courses and I was wondering why you would recommend Day Trading Forex Live over the Top Dog Trading? What are the advantages of this course over the one? Does the Trading Forex Live have a high strike rate just like Top Dog Trading?
Hello, David. As far as strike-rate goes, it depends. DTFL uses one trading method, basically. Top Dog Trading, on the other hand, teaches several trading methods. Some of them, like the scalping techniques, will usually have a higher strike-rate than DTFL. However, strike-rate isn’t the only determining factor for profitability.
Top Dog Trading is a more complex system. That means it’s harder to setup up and switch between the charts that you’re trading, it takes a much more hands-on approach to find qualified trades, and the complexity of the system means you will find fewer qualified trades during any given time period. To compensate, you will most likely trade many different currencies and time frames. That’s what I did. That will, of course, add to the complexity of the system and the screentime it takes to trade it consistently.
With Top Dog Trading, there is no ongoing training, unless you pay for it. Even then, you get a few videos emailed to you each week. This would certainly be useful to new traders and traders looking to learn the system as fast as possible, but it’s a little lacking compared to other courses that I’ve taken.
Contrast that with DTFL. You trade only two currencies (you can trade others). You only trade on the 15-minute chart and only during certain times. The charts are very easy to set up. The system is fairly easy to learn and implement, and it doesn’t take a lot of super focused screentime each day to trade it consistently. There is a member chat full of active traders (some of which are very experienced) to help you get up to speed and with your daily trading. There is a sense of community because you all take the trades together in the chat. The trades or lack thereof are reviewed at the end of each day, and the new levels that will potentially be used the following day are discussed. On top of all that, there are two live trading room sessions each week (during the NY session). There you can ask any questions you may still have and take trades along with Sterling live.
Don’t get me wrong, Top Dog Trading is a good trading system. I learned many valuable lessons from that course that I still use today. However, if you can only do one or the other, I know you will get more out of DTFL and be more satisfied with that purchase. You’ll also be more likely to actually make money with DTFL for all the reasons I mentioned above.
I’ll add a couple of caveats to that. If, for some reason, you can’t trade during the opening hours of the London session or NY session (you only need one or the other, but you can trade both) or if you can’t spend enough screentime each day to consistently trade on the 15-minute chart, Top Dog Trading might be the better choice for you. That’s because you can use the Top Dog Trading system on any time frame including the daily chart, meaning you can use Top Dog Trading as a swing trading system (checking your charts only once per day).
Thank you so much for reply to my message. I have decided to subscribe and be part of the DTFL community. Under what nickname can I find you? On the forum, I am there as “smirksy.” Since I am still quite new to trading and I am still learning, is it ok if I ask you some questions regarding the bank trading system down the road? I would highly appreciate it.
One more thing, I would just like to ask you if you only use the DTFL bank trading strategy or you use a combination of this strategy and the Top Dog Training strategy? Do you think it is a good idea to use both strategies at the same time or do you think it is a better idea to just stick to one system?
Hello, David. I’m glad you decided to join. I’m “chris” at DTFL. I’d be happy to help you when I’m on, or you can contact me via my Facebook page: facebook/FXDayJob.
In regards to trading two systems at once, I’ve done it in the past. Now I only trade the DTFL system. The advantage of using two trading systems is that you get more trading opportunities. However, using more than one trading system can also cause problems. For instance, you will eventually get conflicting signals. Which signal do you go with? You have to choose one or the other (unless hedging is legal in your country). As soon as you choose one, you’re not consistently trading the signals of the other. That can mess with the edge that the system provides, as both of these trading systems are mechanical (which is a good thing, BTW).
Also, picture this scenario. You take a swing trade on Euro using the Top Dog Trading system. Isso é ótimo. Those are really good signals. However, now you cannot take another trade on the Euro until you have closed this swing trade (again, unless you can hedge or aren’t affected by FIFO).
In short, if your country hasn’t tied your hands, it’s perfectly fine to trade two systems at the same time. Just make sure you’re consistent with both. Unfortunately for me, this isn’t the best strategy. Espero que isso ajude. Boa sorte!
Thanks for the review and I love the blog. I have some questions about this program as I’m thinking of getting it under your link:
1) You said a lot about timing in the comments. Am I right to say that the best timings are the beginning of the London and beginning of the NY session. You wrote that somewhere. But could you be more specific? THe first 30 minutes or the first 1 or first 2 hours of each session?
2) Would this work in the Asian session? And would this work at other times of the NY/London session (i. e not the beginning of both these sessions)
3) What time is the live trading room exactly and how long does it last? Also, is it still being held every Tuesday and Thursday?
4) You mentioned Infinite Propsperity – that you could work only 20 mins per day on the system. How many pips would that yield per month? What would be the percentage wins for this system on average?
5) And how many pips on average would you get from DTFL system per month? What would be the percentage wins on average?
6) How many hours per day on average do you trade with the DTFL system. And what other systems do you use and how many hours per day do you use on the other systems?
Thanks for your help 🙂
1) The London session is generally more volatile on its own than the NY session is on its own. However, peak volatility for any given trading day usually occurs when the London and NY sessions overlap. That period is commonly referred to as the “Power Hours”. It’s not the first 30 minutes to several hours in particular that make these two sessions good for trading. I don’t think I ever said that. A well-qualified trade could come late in these two sessions just as easily as it does right after the open. As far as the specific hours that Sterling uses to trade his system, that is proprietary information that you will learn when you sign up and study the course.
2) As I mentioned above, Sterling’s system works throughout most of the London or NY sessions. It is not designed to work during the Asian session.
3) The live trading room is 9:15 – 11:00 AM Eastern, Tuesday and Thursday.
4) I don’t count pips. I never have because pips don’t matter. I could make a lot of pips swing trading and only make a few percentage points on my trading account. I could also make much fewer pips trading the 15-minute chart, yet make a larger profit relative to my account. Profit and loss are what matters. If you’re really interested, I guess you could check out my 100-Trade Test of Infinite Prosperity.
5) As I mentioned above, I don’t count pips. I’m recommending DTFL because I make more money more consistently using Sterling’s system than I do with the other systems that I’ve recommended. That’s my personal experience. If you can’t commit the time to trade the DTFL system consistently, Infinite Prosperity may be a better choice for you. Both systems average about a 50% strike rate in my experience (with DTFL going as high as 65% during certain periods).
6) I trade the DTFL system during the “Power Hours” of the NY session (4 hours). If a trade is taken late during that period, I may have to check back to close my trade before the NY session ends. I’m not currently trading any other systems.
Great questions! I hope these answers help you make a decision.
Thanks Chris for your reply.
Maybe I’m a bit of a newbie or naive, but could you explain why pips don’t matter? Wouldn’t pips (nett profit) mean everything and the more pips the higher the ROI – all other things being equal (lot size, etc.)? Unless you’re not talking about all else being equal? Could you care to explain a bit more?
Also, if both systems give about 50% strike rate, what is the risk/reward ratio?
All things are never equal from one trading system to another or one technique to another. If you’re making pips, then you’re making money. However, when you’re comparing systems, comparing pips gained is useless. One system could make more pips but make less money, as I explained in my last reply.
With DTFL, the planned reward to risk ratio is always 2:1. Your actual reward to risk ratio can vary because some traders (like myself) move their stop loss to break even, and we also exit early at times depending on upcoming news events or market hours. With Infinite Prosperity, you never start with a set reward to risk ratio. Instead, you use a stepping stop loss system from the start. Espero que isso ajude.
What time of day are the “initial levels” determined and posted and when are the “secondary levels’ you refer to posted? I ask this as I’m interested in trying DTFL but I have a full-time job elsewhere. I have no issue running EAs. I just need to know if the timing of this system works with my schedule.
Also, for the Top Dog Trading strategies, are they completely 100% mechanical and can they be fully automated via an EA? Has anyone coded them yet? I code EAs and can code pretty much anything. However, my experience is that often times someone will say a system is 100% mechanical but then fail to mention all sorts of caveats they will employ which actually cause the system to fail. If there’s ANY discretion claimed with ANY of these systems, I’d like to know about it prior to putting my trust in the “system”. I often find even if the system is “99% mechanical”, that 1% of discretion can completely determine whether or not it works or not. Regardless, if there’s ANY discretion at all it’s not a system but a strategy idea, one which yields different results for different people depending upon what discretion they employ.
Anyway, thanks in advance for answering my questions.
Sterling posts the levels in the evening if you’re in the U. S. He posts them at different times, depending on what is going on in the market and what he has going on. However, they’re always posted before the London session begins, which would be the earliest that you’d need them. If you’re going to trade the NY session, and he hasn’t posted the levels by the time you go to bed, you would just need to get up earlier the next morning to input your levels. If you’re trading the NY session, you’d probably check in the morning anyway because secondary levels are likely to have formed during the London session.
Secondary levels aren’t posted. They develop during the normal trading hours of this system (during the London or NY sessions). If you can’t watch your charts, you will miss these. If you’re trading the NY session, as I mentioned above, you would input any new levels that had developed during the London session into the EA.
Both of these systems are as mechanical as they can be. Some things, like choosing support and resistance levels, are more of an art than a science. That being said, even Sterling’s method for choosing trading levels is as mechanical as it can be. You can’t program an EA to stay out of the market during certain types of news events. Luckily, with DTFL, you can benefit from Sterling’s experience in the market (nearly 20 years I believe) on a daily basis. With Top Dog Trading you are more or less on your own.
I believe it would be difficult to program an EA based on the Top Dog Trading system because of the use of multiple charts for fractal energy and because I’ve never seen an EA that can beat the human eye and experience when it comes to drawing significant support and resistance levels. The good news is that not all of the Top Dog Trading strategies require multiple charts and support and resistance levels aren’t as critical to Barry’s (TDT) strategies as they are to Sterling’s (DTFL).
Thanks for the cogent response. With respect to “You can’t program an EA to stay out of the market during certain types of news events.”, actually, you can. All one needs is a timestamped listing of news events. That’s easy to get at ForexFactory and elsewhere.
On that note, does the DTFL Pro EA not exit or prevent entries before big news events requiring manual attention to this?
You mention elsewhere that some DTFL members only trade the strategy using the DTFL Pro EA. That would be my use case. Looking at some of the track record videos Sterling posts I see that some of the trades that get booked come from the secondary levels which the EA traders miss. How many trades per day/month in Sterling’s record are triggered via the primary vs secondary levels?
Programming an EA to accept timestamped inputs and programming an EA to make intelligent decisions to stay out of the market during certain news events on its own (which is what I was referring to) are two separate things. Just like programming an EA to accept support and resistance inputs and programming an EA or indicator to choose significant support and resistance levels on its own are two separate things. My point is that EAs have their limitations. You can’t replace skilled human analysis with an EA, regardless of how well it’s programmed.
I haven’t personally used DTFL Pro. I’ve only heard other traders in the members’ area and Sterling talking about it. I would imagine that you can tell the EA to stay out of the market during certain times because that’s part of the trading strategy. Sterling and the others wouldn’t use the EA if it didn’t have that kind of flexibility.
As far as the record for primary vs secondary levels goes, you’ll have to ask Sterling or one of the other members about that. That’s not a metric that I track. I can only tell you that many days secondary levels aren’t formed at all, so I would imagine that more setups are taken from the primary levels.
I really find your website full of very useful and down to earth information its very easy to understand. I am curious about the benefits of subscribing to DTFL as I am subscribed to a few price action forums and supposedly trade set ups however to this day they are very much hit and miss, I am looking for a genuine high probability service and trade set up. Would DFTL be that one? At present I am trading and have been trading naked price action for about 3 years now but it has not delivered consistent winning trades.
Obrigado pelas palavras amáveis. I had a similar start to you – trading naked price action. Although, I gave up on it much sooner. In my opinion, it is very hard to make consistent profits with price action alone.
It sounds to me like you have good discipline already (sticking to your system for so long), and you’ve probably had enough trading experience to be past your rookie mistakes. I think DTFL would be a good fit for you. You’ll probably find the system and community to be very refreshing like I did.
I wouldn’t necessarily classify DTFL as a high-probability trading system. Top Dog Trading is what I consider to be a high-probability trading system, yet I make more money with DTFL. That’s because strike-rate isn’t the only thing to consider when comparing trading systems. I will say that Sterling’s system beats any strike-rate I ever achieved with naked price action.
If you’re thinking about it, I’d say just go for it – especially considering the sale price going on this month. Sterling’s confirmation entry is worth that price alone.
Thanks for the reply I am going to go with DTFL it does seem to have a lot of pluses over other systems. I do like the confirmation entry signal and also the community that if you are in a bad position at least you can get a answer why that trade should not be taken.
Sim & # 8230; the community is excellent, especially while you are still learning the system. You end up taking the trades as a group. Anytime I had a question about a setup, I would ask the other guys or someone would have already mentioned it. It takes the guesswork out and you can learn as you trade. Best of luck to you!
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